Capital City Partnership works in three strategic areas.
Read more about each of these strategies below.
Joined Up for Families recognises that employability and supporting those on low incomes is at the heart of Edinburgh’s Child Poverty response. The strategy focuses on the priority family groups with the aim of ensuring a ‘no wrong door’ approach to flexible support and subsidised childcare.
Capital City Partnership contract manages a range of services, including: The Intensive Family Support Service, Subsidised Childcare for Working Parents, Parental Employability Support fund, the Whole Family Equality Project and Maximise!
Projects are family-centered and holistic and incorporate advice and family support alongside help to gain and sustain work, education, and training.
Joined Up for Jobs sets out the framework for a partnership of key agencies and frontline services to work together to help more people into employment, improve skills and reduce poverty through our Strategic Skills Pipeline and the new Enhanced Regional Skills Pipeline.
Capital City Partnership contract manages most of the services on offer, including contract management of the emerging No One Left Behind funded provision and the wider Edinburgh and South East Scotland frameworks.
Support is given through website resources, a client management information system, quarterly provider forums, contract management, partnership leverage opportunities, capacity building and co-production and co-design.
Joined Up for Business gives businesses a "no wrong door" approach and offers a bespoke, free recruitment and training service, as well as a business growth support service for SMEs, helping businesses identify funding initiatives that can support their recruitment, training and business growth needs. Joined Up for Business also supports the Fort Kinnaird Recruitment Skills Centre, and St James Quarter through the FUSE skill centre.